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What is LaborTENS?

LaborTENS is a conservative and natural pain-relieving tool for labor. LaborTENS works by sending electrical nerve stimulation through the electrodes; it interrupts the pain signals your brain is receiving with your contractions, it reduces your awareness of them and produces endorphins that allow you to cope better.⁠

What are the benefits of LaborTENS?

  • The units are great because they allow you, as a laboring mother, to remain active and upright—you can labor with a TENS in any position you want.

  • The feeling that comes through the electrodes is kind of like a light buzzing or prickling, but the unit has buttons you can use to turn the intensity up or down, depending on your pain level, tolerance, and where you are in your labor.

  • LaborTENS usually does not interfere with electronic fetal monitoring, so it's fine to use when laboring in a hospital setting.

  • It does not require a medical professional to administer.

  • There are no side effects for your baby, and that it can be put on or taken off at any point during your labor.

Process for Hiring a LaborTENS?

At Physio Pilates Collective we have assisted many women in their Labor journey.

You will:

  • After purchasing you will recieve your LaborTens Machine via mail. 

  • You will have the machine for a total of 5weeks (we understand that your labor may be earlier or later than expected, if you let us know straight away we can have it arranged earlier or extend its use).

  • Once you have the safe arrival of your new baby, we ask it be dropped off at on of our clinics as soon as possible so we can lend it to the next women.

Labor Tens Machine Hire

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